Besides treating pain, decreasing stress, and lowering chronic illness risk, massage therapy can also enhance one’s quality of life.
The Good Hands Massage facility offers Ashiatsu and deep tissue massage, as well as Swedish massages (including foot reflexology), Chinese tea, and a fresh bed.
Full Body Massage
We provide both Swedish and Ashiatsu massage techniques at our Citrus Heights Full Body Massage facility.
Swedish massage therapy uses Swedish techniques in order to relax the muscles by releasing tension. With Ashinatsu, you can release knots and tight muscles that could not be released with Swedish massage.
Deep Tissue Massage
It may be beneficial to have Citrus Heights Deep Tissue Massage when you have strained or overworked muscles. As a result of massage, blood vessels deep within the body are released, increasing flexibility and mobility.
Treatment for chronic illnesses like arthritis can reduce pain, according to studies. When used in certain circumstances, the method alleviates pain caused by an injury or stressful event.
Deep tissue massage can provide relief in each of these situations, whether it is persistent back pain after running a few miles, stiff joints after working all day at a desk, or persistent leg pain after taking the wrong staircase.
Reflexology (Foot Massage)
It is not necessary to remove one’s clothes during a foot reflexology treatment, as it differs from deep tissue massage.
Foot massage, or reflexology, can be particularly helpful when other forms of massage may not be as beneficial to those without the time or the desire to relax.
This natural remedy can also treat mental illness, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases in addition to helping the body maintain a healthy balance.
Combination massages from our company allow you to indulge in more than one type of massage at the same time.
Towels and bathrobes will be provided to you once you check into the spa. The Citrus Heights location is located on Auburn Boulevard, and appointments can be booked there.